
Posts Tagged ‘austin’

farmer’s market, originally uploaded by lilsoak.

Austin is a city where they really like to shop locally wherever possible and they give you a lot of incentives to go local with discounts and coupons.

We went to check out a Farmer’s Market in midtown and it was such a hot day. We arrived an hour earlier as I thought it started at 3 rather than 4pm. I ended up only buying a squash but it turns out that those chinese long beans I like come in purple as well! I wonder how they taste but I ended up not buying it as I just wanted a butternut squash for the Paxter.

There were quite a few booths set up and I think a live band was going to be set up there as well. I wanted to try the tea, cheeses and sausages next time but I’ll have to bring more cash with me.

We had a heck of a time finding this place as it’s nestled in these apartment complexes in a triangle where Guadalupe Street and North Lamar split into two. The GPS and my phone seemed to think it was this large government building and we circled the triangle area until I realized it was in a park within that complex.

There was a mini water fountain which Pax loved. He loves splashing water but hates bathes. I think it’s because he gets soap in his eye or I’m bathing him too late.

Here he is posing for his cousin S.

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Another bbq post.  I think I have had a lot of meat this past month since we have moved here to Texas. Everything is also sold by the pound but I’m on the hunt to find the ultimate beef brisket or ribs. Rudy’s was suggested by the guy that sold my wonderful task chair that makes life much better as I hunch over the computer for hours on end when Pax lets me.

It’s really kitchy.  It’s right next to a Shell station.  You know when you go into the cashier to pay for your gas and get a few snacks at the small mart?   Well in this case Rudy’s is attached to the station.  The only difference here is that there is plenty or bench seating to partake in the good eats.

I thought this was a security camera but low and behold it was not.  It was a camera pointed directly at the people who were cutting the juicy tender meat. There was quite a few people lined up to order.  The guy was nice enough to let us sample the meat.  We ended up getting beans, beef brisket and turkey.  I think we did a half a pound each of the meat to share amongst the three of us.

mmm meat.

The turkey was suprisingly tender.  We ended up getting the medium moist for the beef but it was so good.  They serve you bread with the meat but we opted out given T’s gluten free diet. The meal was topped off with sweet tea and it was oh so good.

I give this place a solid B plus.  I have since gone to some other bbq places that I will post in the future but I think this place gets good marks for their friendliness and the meats are quite tender. I think the next time I will try the extremely moist meat.


11570 Research Boulevard, Austin, TX‎

There are two other locations but this is the one we went to as it was on the way back home.

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This post should really be CBC in Pflugerville as I went and checked out the farmers market near where we live.  It’s very small but they had ample fresh veg fruits and even a local honey stand.  They are also very reasonable as I spent 3 dollars on a thai melon, small watermelon and a butternut squash.  I never had a thai melon but it’s basically a cross between a honeydew and a cantelope.  It’s pretty good. I used roasted the butternut squash for Pax and he ate it up like it was ice cream.

I wanted to try to find some larger farmer’s markets in North Austin but the closest one is about a 15 minute drive. I love perusing through all the produce and just being able to eat locally as well.  I have had white eggplants, yellow tomatoes, purple peppers and curly mustard just through an effort to eat locally and organically as well.  It’s been a good experience so far.

I’m looking forward to checking out another market next week.

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I know this picture isn’t much to look at but after a jaunt to the HEB (the local grocery store here), A and I checked out the coffee and smoothie place next door.  It was set up within the grocery store next to the dozens of rotisserie chicken being roasted.  I have never heard of Maui Wowi before and I was curious.  A had a strawberry smoothie and I had a decaf caramel mocha latte iced and it was really yummy. I really dig the taste of the coffee.  It wasn’t too bitter and it had this nutty roasted flavour to it. I have never had Hawaiian coffee beans before but it’s pretty good.  I’m not a coffee connoisseur by all means but this is up on par with the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Dilletante Coffee and of course JJ Bean.

I’ll have to try Jamaican coffee next because they say the beans grown there are especially delicious and extremely popular in Japan.

I know I have been posting a lot about food lately and I have other things to share about such as fun stuff with Pax but my office/desk set up has been very slow and hopefully once I have my chair, I’ll will be able to post more photos from my camera.  All these food photos were taken with my phone.

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Alrighty!  Time to try some ribs here in Texas.  We picked up S from the airport and went out for some ribs.  We were a little concerned that the place was super empty and yet the pub next door was packed full.  We were literally the only people in there.  The guy at the front let us try a sample of their beef brisket ribs and their pork ribs and they were goooo oooode.

To explain the emptiness of their joint, they say that they mostly focus on catering now and they have won a lot of awards for their ribs and they do a lot of weddings.  Imagine a wedding with ribs.  So yum. Except my white dress would all be covered in bbq sauce.

The place was pretty decently priced too.  8.99 for a plate with two sides I believe.  The Asian in me went for veg but they were NOT good. They were in the water for too long.  I should have picked the mashed potatoes and beans. The ribs though were so delicious and we couldn’t finish our plates so it’s in the fridge awaiting to be nommed on at a later date.

I really like the beef ribs and I never had it that style before.  I hope to try more local joints here and post about it.  This place is in mid Austin.

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