
Posts Tagged ‘lattes’

I know this picture isn’t much to look at but after a jaunt to the HEB (the local grocery store here), A and I checked out the coffee and smoothie place next door.  It was set up within the grocery store next to the dozens of rotisserie chicken being roasted.  I have never heard of Maui Wowi before and I was curious.  A had a strawberry smoothie and I had a decaf caramel mocha latte iced and it was really yummy. I really dig the taste of the coffee.  It wasn’t too bitter and it had this nutty roasted flavour to it. I have never had Hawaiian coffee beans before but it’s pretty good.  I’m not a coffee connoisseur by all means but this is up on par with the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Dilletante Coffee and of course JJ Bean.

I’ll have to try Jamaican coffee next because they say the beans grown there are especially delicious and extremely popular in Japan.

I know I have been posting a lot about food lately and I have other things to share about such as fun stuff with Pax but my office/desk set up has been very slow and hopefully once I have my chair, I’ll will be able to post more photos from my camera.  All these food photos were taken with my phone.

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