
Posts Tagged ‘thai melon’

This post should really be CBC in Pflugerville as I went and checked out the farmers market near where we live.  It’s very small but they had ample fresh veg fruits and even a local honey stand.  They are also very reasonable as I spent 3 dollars on a thai melon, small watermelon and a butternut squash.  I never had a thai melon but it’s basically a cross between a honeydew and a cantelope.  It’s pretty good. I used roasted the butternut squash for Pax and he ate it up like it was ice cream.

I wanted to try to find some larger farmer’s markets in North Austin but the closest one is about a 15 minute drive. I love perusing through all the produce and just being able to eat locally as well.  I have had white eggplants, yellow tomatoes, purple peppers and curly mustard just through an effort to eat locally and organically as well.  It’s been a good experience so far.

I’m looking forward to checking out another market next week.

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