
Posts Tagged ‘organic’

farmer’s market, originally uploaded by lilsoak.

Austin is a city where they really like to shop locally wherever possible and they give you a lot of incentives to go local with discounts and coupons.

We went to check out a Farmer’s Market in midtown and it was such a hot day. We arrived an hour earlier as I thought it started at 3 rather than 4pm. I ended up only buying a squash but it turns out that those chinese long beans I like come in purple as well! I wonder how they taste but I ended up not buying it as I just wanted a butternut squash for the Paxter.

There were quite a few booths set up and I think a live band was going to be set up there as well. I wanted to try the tea, cheeses and sausages next time but I’ll have to bring more cash with me.

We had a heck of a time finding this place as it’s nestled in these apartment complexes in a triangle where Guadalupe Street and North Lamar split into two. The GPS and my phone seemed to think it was this large government building and we circled the triangle area until I realized it was in a park within that complex.

There was a mini water fountain which Pax loved. He loves splashing water but hates bathes. I think it’s because he gets soap in his eye or I’m bathing him too late.

Here he is posing for his cousin S.

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